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Repository Data

License Usage

The licenses of plugins are processed to collapse synonyms for the same license into one.

The following chart shows the distribution of licenses in the plugins. The information is based on the identified LICENSE files in the repositories. Identification of those file may not be accurate.

not found means that a no license file was found in the repository. Obsidian requires a license file to be present for new plugins, but this is not enforced retroactively.

unknown means that a license file was found, but the license could not be identified.

Licenses that are used by more than 100 plugins are excluded from the chart below.

License Terms

The following charts show the distribution of license terms in the plugins. The terms are based on the licenses shown in the charts above.


A number of plugins give the following permissions.

Commercial use: The licensed material and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes.

Modification: The licensed material may be modified.

Distribution: The licensed material may be distributed.

Private use: The licensed material may be used and modified in private.

Patent use: This license provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors.


A number of plugins impose the following conditions.

License and copyright notice: A copy of the license and copyright notice must be included with the licensed material.

License and copyright notice for source: A copy of the license and copyright notice must be included with the licensed material in source form, but is not required for binaries.

State changes: Changes made to the licensed material must be documented.

Disclose source: Source code must be made available when the licensed material is distributed.

Network use is distribution: Users who interact with the licensed material via network are given the right to receive a copy of the source code.

Same license: Modifications must be released under the same license when distributing the licensed material. In some cases a similar or related license may be used.

Same license (file): Modifications of existing files must be released under the same license when distributing the licensed material. In some cases a similar or related license may be used.

Same license (library): Modifications must be released under the same license when distributing the licensed material. In some cases a similar or related license may be used, or this condition may not apply to works that use the licensed material as a library.


A number of plugins impose the following limitations.

Trademark use: This license explicitly states that it does NOT grant trademark rights, even though licenses without such a statement probably do not grant any implicit trademark rights.

Liability: This license includes a limitation of liability.

Patent use: This license explicitly states that it does NOT grant any rights in the patents of contributors.

Warranty: This license explicitly states that it does NOT provide any warranty.

BRAT Beta Manifest Usage

The percentage of plugins that have a BRAT beta manifest.


Package Managers Used

The distribution of package managers used in plugins. The package manager is determined by the presence of a lockfile in the plugin repository.

Code Bundler Usage

The distribution of code bundlers used in plugins. The bundler is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json.

Developer Tooling Usage

The distribution of developer tooling used in plugins.

Testing Framework Usage

The distribution of testing frameworks used in plugins. The testing frameworks usage is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json.

1519 (83.92%) plugins use no testing framework.

Frontend Framework Usage

The distribution of frontend frameworks used in plugins. The frontend frameworks usage is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json.

1516 (83.76%) plugins use no frontend framework.

Most Used Dependencies

This table shows direct dependencies of all plugins, sorted by how many plugins use them. Dependencies with less than one percent usage are not shown.

Name Usage Count Usage Percentage
obsidian 1771 97.85%
typescript 1745 96.41%
tslib 1709 94.42%
@types/node 1699 93.87%
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 1408 77.79%
@typescript-eslint/parser 1403 77.51%
esbuild 1402 77.46%
builtin-modules 1391 76.85%
eslint 377 20.83%
rollup 326 18.01%
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve 325 17.96%
@rollup/plugin-commonjs 321 17.73%
@rollup/plugin-typescript 318 17.57%
prettier 292 16.13%
jest 215 11.88%
@types/jest 188 10.39%
ts-jest 184 10.17%
react 147 8.12%
react-dom 146 8.07%
@types/react-dom 145 8.01%
@codemirror/view 143 7.90%
@types/react 139 7.68%
@codemirror/language 131 7.24%
svelte 125 6.91%
@codemirror/state 125 6.91%
svelte-preprocess 121 6.69%
@tsconfig/svelte 117 6.46%
@popperjs/core 115 6.35%
eslint-config-prettier 113 6.24%
monkey-around 96 5.30%
ts-node 91 5.03%
husky 85 4.70%
dotenv 84 4.64%
esbuild-svelte 82 4.53%
eslint-plugin-import 81 4.48%
moment 76 4.20%
eslint-plugin-prettier 69 3.81%
lodash 67 3.70%
sass 65 3.59%
@types/lodash 65 3.59%
svelte-check 63 3.48%
obsidian-dataview 61 3.37%
rollup-plugin-copy 58 3.20%
standard-version 58 3.20%
obsidian-daily-notes-interface 55 3.04%
uuid 55 3.04%
esbuild-sass-plugin 51 2.82%
vitest 48 2.65%
openai 46 2.54%
@types/uuid 45 2.49%
axios 44 2.43%
codemirror 43 2.38%
lint-staged 43 2.38%
@babel/preset-env 42 2.32%
jest-environment-jsdom 41 2.27%
electron 41 2.27%
@rollup/plugin-json 40 2.21%
@babel/preset-typescript 40 2.21%
cross-env 39 2.15%
vite 38 2.10%
@babel/core 37 2.04%
esbuild-plugin-copy 34 1.88%
yaml 33 1.82%
@types/luxon 31 1.71%
nanoid 30 1.66%
luxon 30 1.66%
eslint-plugin-react 30 1.66%
babel-jest 30 1.66%
jsdom 29 1.60%
obsidian-plugin-cli 29 1.60%
@biomejs/biome 28 1.55%
@types/js-yaml 28 1.55%
rollup-plugin-svelte 27 1.49%
js-yaml 27 1.49%
prettier-plugin-svelte 27 1.49%
@codemirror/commands 26 1.44%
@codemirror/search 26 1.44%
eslint-import-resolver-typescript 25 1.38%
i18next 25 1.38%
cz-conventional-changelog 25 1.38%
typescript-eslint 25 1.38%
postcss 25 1.38%
zod 24 1.33%
semver 24 1.33%
fuse.js 24 1.33%
ts-loader 23 1.27%
@types/obsidian-typings 22 1.22%
crypto-js 21 1.16%
@types/moment 21 1.16%
eslint-plugin-promise 21 1.16%
eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort 21 1.16%
chai 21 1.16%
@jest/globals 21 1.16%
eslint-plugin-react-hooks 20 1.10%
@lezer/common 20 1.10%
webpack-cli 20 1.10%
@commitlint/config-conventional 19 1.05%
tailwindcss 19 1.05%
eslint-plugin-jsdoc 19 1.05%
eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow 19 1.05%
@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte 19 1.05%
autoprefixer 19 1.05%
@rollup/plugin-replace 19 1.05%
mustache 19 1.05%
webpack 19 1.05%
fs-extra 19 1.05%